skin tips for mom

skin tips for mom

skin care trainer, new mom

1) Sticking to routine is great as a mom so as soon as I put my son to bed, I head to the bathroom and immediately wash my face.

2) I love sleeping with the hydradew on for extra hydration. Most nights I top it off with my dewlux face cream as my nightly moisturizer.

3) If it's been a busy week and I don't have time for my aha mask, I looove using the glow tonik to exfoliate.

4) I finish my nightly routine with smooth kicks foot lotion to keep my feet fresh and soft between pedicures. It's important to make time for yourself and your skin despite being a busy mom!

manager, just adopted

1) Laundry day (sometimes feels like everyday) but once a week on laundry, perfect time for AHA.

2) I find it's easiest to keep up with my masking & routine, if I wash my makeup off while he's brushing his teeth right before bed, now it's time to have a glass of wine and do a hydradew & moisture induce combo (can mix masks of choice).

3) Gold serum & eye kandy are a must! it'll keep you looking young and refreshed for those nights that they're up every few hours.

4) Glow tonik is a super easy one to get that exfoliation in, especially if you're active, it'll keep the breakouts & sweat at bay. 5) Illuminating perfecting tint is a fave for swimming lessons & running to the grocery store when you want to have a little bit of a glow & not like you just climbed out of bed.

manager, mom of 2

1) I have two boys, one 5 and one 3, and through my second pregnancy I suffered from a pretty noticeable pregnancy mask on my cheeks. I honestly thought I would have it for life, until I started working at Skoah. The skin boost serum has completely changed the look of my skin. Today, I have no pregnancy mask to look at anymore!

2) Through out the winter months I found that my skin was extremely dry and flaky. I decided that I would try a mixture of masks, the hydradew and the moisture induce; for both moisture and hydration! Dry and flaky skin, GONE! Plus, having two rambunctious little boys, doing two masks at a time is a time saver most days!

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